Making time to look over your financial reports each month is an important task for any business owner. We can give you an overview of what reports you’ll need to help you build a thriving business. …
Read More… from 6 Powerful Reasons To Watch Your Financial Reports
As we approach the end of the tax year and move into 2024-2025, let’s make sure your finances are in the best possible shape. …
Read More… from Your 12-point checklist to stay ahead on tax
The interest deductibility rules have been a hot button issue since they were introduced. They will start to be phased out from the 2024-25 tax year as residential property investors breathe a sigh of relief. …
The minimum wage is rising as of April 1, 2024 to $23.15. As an employer, you’ll need to keep up to date with the latest minimum pay rates and pay your employees at least the current minimum rate. …
Need to cut your business expenses? We’ll review your current costs, find the expenses that could be cut, and will provide a proactive spend management programme to reduce your spending.
Don’t be caught out by a tax filing date that isn’t highlighted on your calendar. You could be up for additional costs in interest and penalties. …
Read More… from Planning for upcoming tax deadlines in February
So, we’re officially in the thick of a cost of living crisis. This presents a challenge for entrepreneurs and is a nerve-wracking time for many small business owners. If you’ve …
Read More… from How do I adapt my small business strategy in the midst of a cost of living crisis?
When you’re in control of your profit and loss (P&L), you have a tighter hold on the reins of your profitability. Read our Plain English guide to P&L and learn how to boost your profits.
#tax #accounting #businesstips #ProfitAndLoss #P&L …
Can you buy gifts or vouchers for your employees without incurring fringe benefit tax or PAYE? Learn what you can buy and how much you can spend without having to pay FBT or add it to your employees’ remuneration. …
Welcome back to our Weekly Digest. Read on for the latest updates and some ideas to help us all move forward. Kiwis are feeling the financial pinch Annual inflation remains …
The new rules on GST invoicing applying from 1 April 2023 may change your practice for GST invoices, including what records you keep. …
Read More… from GST Special Alert – What information do I need to keep?
Get creative with social media to boost sales for your business this Christmas. There are many quick and easy tips you can use to make the most of your social media and jumpstart your summer sales. …
Too many things on your to-do list before Christmas? Take a minute to think about whether your plans for the festive season have covered the tax implications. …
Can you get a tax deduction when you use your personal car for business purposes? Is it worth keeping a logbook? A simple explainer on tax deductions for vehicles. …
Read More… from Your car as a business expense: what can you claim?
Wondering where the cash is, despite achieving a great profit? Cash is fundamentally different to profit. We can help you understand why and work with you to increase your cashflow #ControlYourCash #KnowYourNumbers #CashIsKing #FinancialAwareness …
Are you getting the most from your business data? Your app stack generates a goldmine of insightful data every day. We’ll help you find the important information nuggets.
#digitaltransformation #businessdata
Read More… from Are you making the most of your business data?
Buying clothing for work can be expensive, whether that’s smart shirts or steel toecap boots. You only buy these clothes for your job, so it feels as though they should be business expenses, right? Not so fast…
Read More… from Can you claim clothing as a business expense?